Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Transfer a zip file via FTP

Open CyberDuck
type in ftp serverName 
Enter your userName
Enter your password
Navigate to your file on your local drive: lcd /Users/UserName/Downloads/xxx/
Upload your zip file in the above directory: Put
Your file will then be uploaded to your ftp server
Go to ssh on terminal, login, type in unzip

* Do a 'ls' on your server directory
Files will have a dash (-) as the first character in the leftmost column and folders will have a d listed (the d stands for directory). 
* Common Commands

put filename - Upload a file to the server
get filename - Download a file from the server
mput filename - Put multiple files on the server
mget filename - Get multiple files on the server
ls - Get a list of files in the current directory
cd - Change directory
quit - Ends your ftp session

Move entire content from a folder

You can also use mv to move a whole directory and its content:
mv includes/* ./
This will move all files (and folders) in the includes/ directory to the current working directory.

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