Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Create a PIE Chart, counting how many entries you have for one column

Create a PIE Chart, counting how many entries you have for one column
=COUNTIFS(Data!L:L,B4)Name of the sheet: Datacolumn: LB4: The text(assigned group) you want to count.

Add a date range in the Excel report spreadsheet

How to add a daet range so you can just change the data on the Excel Spreadsheet and click on refresh.

Add a date range in the report spreadsheet:
From Start Date
To End date

Go into the data tab, click on Connections

In the workbook connections, select the data connection > Click on properties

Click on Edit Query.

Add in a field 'Reported date' change the date to >=[Parameter1] And <[Parameter2]
=[Parameterl lAnd

Close the query and go into data connection > Click on properties > Go to Definition Tab > Click on Parameters:
Click on 'Get the value from the following cell'
Define the correct cells for Parameter 1 -> start date
Select the correct date for Parameter 2 -> end date

Create a new Macro to refresh the Excel data

Create a new Macro and paste the below command

Sub Update()
' Update Macro

End Sub

Click on the Insert tab and select 'button'

Click anywhere in the Spreadsheet
You will get the below prompt, click on update to use the Macro you just created and click on ok

Now you are ready to use your Macro refresh button!

Issue: Unable to connect to the computer


You cannot remote assist them via Altiris/ping/connect to the computer.

Providing that they are connected to the network - able to get Emails/have access to network drives...

They will need to run the below commands.

“NETSH INT IP RESET” to reset tcpip
“netsh winsock reset catalog” to reset the winsock