type in ftp serverName
Enter your userName
Enter your password
Navigate to your file on your local drive: lcd /Users/UserName/Downloads/xxx/
Upload your zip file in the above directory: Put fileName.zip
Your file will then be uploaded to your ftp server
Go to ssh on terminal, login, type in unzip filename.zip
Go to ssh on terminal, login, type in unzip filename.zip
* Do a 'ls' on your server directory
Files will have a dash (-) as the first character in the leftmost column and folders will have a d listed (the d stands for directory).
* Common Commands
* Common Commands
put filename - Upload a file to the server
get filename - Download a file from the server
mput filename - Put multiple files on the server
mget filename - Get multiple files on the server
ls - Get a list of files in the current directory
cd - Change directory
quit - Ends your ftp session
Move entire content from a folder
Move entire content from a folder
* You can also use mv to move a whole directory and its content:
mv includes/* ./
This will move all files (and folders) in the includes/ directory to the current working directory.