Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to Save an html web site and load it up on your local host

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs put your files in there
then go to your browser, http://localhost/filename.html
Note: You have to type this in browser. Double clicking in file explorer might not work.
This is useful when you test your Dreamwaver code in an IE browser and it doesn't work, you could load it up directly on localhost and it will work.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Photoshop Basics

Expanding the Canvas
Shortcut 'C' to select the crop tool
Then Shift+Alt to resize from the centre

Zoom in on MAC: Command +
Lasso - l key
Marquee - m key
Quick way to find your layer you want: mouse over a layer, alt+right click

Make a duplicate copy of a layer - alt+shift+right drag
Control + D to deselect
Control + T to transform

Use quick mask to do a selection
Press D to go back to default colour
Press Q for quick mask mode
Press B for Brush tool
Then gently paint over the area you want
Once you are done, press Q to exit Quick mask and leave the area selected

How to change the colour for a specific area:
Do all the steps of quick mask above
Click on the adjustments panel > Hue/Saturation > Properties tab > mask > invert > Hue/Saturation tab > tick the colorise box > change the brightness/hue/etc.

Click on the quick mask tool (just below the colour on the left)