Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Query a user's email address from AD given their username on the command line.

dsquery user -name magaluri |dsget user -samid -email -display

Monday, September 26, 2011

Memory Monitoring

Processes section

To start Resource Monitor
  • Click Start, click in the Start Search box, type resmon.exe, and then press ENTER.

To pause or resume monitoring
  • To pause data collection and review the current data, click Monitor, and then click Stop Monitoring. When you are ready to begin collecting data again, click Monitor, and then click Start Monitoring.

The Memory tab’s Processes section displays key metrics related to how the system’s processes use memory. Here’s information about the metrics:

  • Image. Process executable file name. This is the name of the process that is actively using the disk.
  • PID. Process ID. This is the ID number associated with the process; it is useful if you want to use other utilities to manage processes, or if you want to easily match up processes with Task Manager.
  • Hard Faults/sec. A hard fault doesn’t necessarily indicate a critical error condition, though it may indicate that the server is in need of more RAM. A hard fault occurs every time the system uses the swap file on the disk. This is important because disk storage is much, much slower than RAM, so each time the system uses disk-based virtual RAM, there is a significant performance penalty. If you see hard faults on a regular basis (especially if the numbers are large), you should consider adding more RAM to the server. Hard faults are sometimes referred to as Page Faults.
  • Commit (KB). This is the total amount of physical and virtual memory (page file) that is committed to this specific process.
  • Working Set (KB). This is the amount of physical memory that is committed to this particular process. This number should be the total of the next two metrics, which are its components.
  • Shareable (KB). This is the total amount of physical memory that is committed to this particular process but that can also be shared with another process.
  • Private (KB). This is the total amount of physical memory that is committed to this particular process but cannot be shared with another process.

Physical Memory

Below the Processes section, you’ll see a section called Physical Memory that contains this information:

  • In Use. The amount of memory that is in use right now.
  • Available. Of the total physical memory in the system, this is how much is still available for allocation.
  • Hardware Reserved. This identifies the amount of memory that various hardware devices have set aside for their dedicated use. Almost any device in the server can add to this metric. This Exchange Server clocks in at 1MB.
  • Modified. As information is written into memory pages, it stays there while other processing goes on behind the scenes. As information is updated on these memory pages, those pages are marked as having been modified. After a period of time, in order to ensure that the system makes the best use of available memory resources, modified pages that have not been accessed in a while might be moved to the standby category.
  • Standby. This memory contains cached data and code that is not actively in use but that may be called into action at some point. Windows manages this class of RAM by prioritizing each page that comes in. As other processes need RAM, low priority pages from this pool are reallocated to other needs.
  • Free. This value is how much RAM is currently available above and beyond what is in use. You might think that having such a small amount of RAM marked as free in this 16 GB system might identify a major problem, but that’s the case. With many of Microsoft’s newer products, it’s better to use as much RAM as possible than to leave it idle. Products such as Exchange use RAM to its fullest extent and cache portions of the product for faster access.

One common mistake it to use the “In Use” and “Available” metrics as the sole indicators for overall system health and to get concerned when particular processes appear to be eating too much RAM. This is why you need to understand how the application is supposed to behave.

For example, Exchange 2010 often uses as much memory as you can throw at it; this is by design. The thinking is that Exchange will use RAM to cache as much information as possible in order to improve overall performance. So it’s important to look at other metrics, such as Hard Faults, to determine if there is a really a RAM-related performance issue on an Exchange 2010 machine. If a service shouldn’t be using a lot of RAM and it is, you need to do more troubleshooting; this is the point at which you might fire up Performance Monitor to gather more specific details.

Source: Click here

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Net Time Commands

Net Time optionsDescription
Net TimeDisplays the time of your time server
Net Time \\computernameDisplays the computer name time
Net Time /DOMAIN:domainnameDisplays the time on a DC domain name
Net Time /domain/setSets computer time to match time on Domain Controller
Net Time /RTSDOMAIN:domainnameDisplays the time on a time server in the domain name
Net Time /querysntpDisplays the SNTP source for the time server
Net Time /setsntp:ntpserverSets the SNTP source for the time server
Net Time /setsntpClears the SNTP source for the time server

Net Time Commands

Net Time optionsDescription
Net TimeDisplays the time of your time server
Net Time \\computernameDisplays the computer name time
Net Time /DOMAIN:domainnameDisplays the time on a DC domain name
Net Time /domain/setSets computer time to match time on Domain Controller
Net Time /RTSDOMAIN:domainnameDisplays the time on a time server in the domain name
Net Time /querysntpDisplays the SNTP source for the time server
Net Time /setsntp:ntpserverSets the SNTP source for the time server
Net Time /setsntpClears the SNTP source for the time server

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Run Control Panel Applets as Another User

Basic Syntax:

runas /user:computername\Administrator command

runas /user:Domain\userName mstsc

For example:

runas /user:workbridge\.zqiux "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hdwwiz.cpl"

Control Panel AppletFilename
Add New Hardwarehdwwiz.cpl
Add/Remove Programsappwiz.cpl
Date/Time Propertiestimedate.cpl
Display Propertiesdesk.cpl
Internet Propertiesinetcpl.cpl
Joystick Propertiesjoy.cpl
Keyboard Propertiesmain.cpl
Local Users managementnusrmgr.cpl
Microsoft Exchangemlcfg32.cpl
Microsoft Mail Post Officewgpocpl.cpl
Modem Propertiesmodem.cplNote: In Windows NT 4.0, W2K, XP and Windows 2003 - Modem properties is telephon.cpl
Mouse Propertiesmain.cpl
Multimedia Propertiesmmsys.cpl
Network Propertiesnetcpl.cplNote: In Windows NT 4.0, W2K, XP and Windows 2003 - Network properties is Ncpa.cpl
Password Propertiespassword.cpl
Power Optionspowercfg.cpl
Regional Settingsintl.cpl
Sound Propertiesmmsys.cpl
System Propertiessysdm.cpl

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Command AD Queries

Locked Out Users - Displays all the user accounts that are locked out
Dial In Access - Displays all the user accounts with Dial In Access
Disabled User Accounts - Displays all the user accounts that are currently disabled
Non Expiring Accounts - Displays all the user accounts that are set to not expire
Active Accounts - Displays all the users account that are active
Hidden Mailboxes - Displays all accounts with hidden Mailboxes
Windows XP Computers - Displays all computers running Windows XP
(&(&(&(&(&(&(&(objectCategory=Computer)(operatingSystem=Windows XP Professional)(operatingSystemServicePack=Service Pack 3))))))))
Vista Machines – Displays all computers running Windows Vista
(&(&(&(&(&(&(sAMAccountType=805306369)(objectCategory=computer)(operatingSystem=Windows Vista*)))))))
Vista Machines – SP1
(&(&(&(&(sAMAccountType=805306369)(objectCategory=computer)(operatingSystem=Windows Vista*)(operatingSystemServicePack=Service Pack 1)))))
All Computers - Displays all computers
Windows Server 2000 - Displays all computers running Windows Server 2000 (not including DC’s)
(&(&(&(&(&(objectCategory=Computer)(operatingSystem=Windows 2000 Professional))))))
Windows Server 2003 - Displays all computers running Windows Server 2003 (not including DC's)
(&(&(&(samAccountType=805306369)(primaryGroupID=516)(objectCategory=computer)(operatingSystem=Windows Server 2003*))))
Windows Server 2008 - Displays all computers running Windows Server 2008 (not including DC's)
(&(&(&(&(samAccountType=805306369)(!(primaryGroupId=516)))(objectCategory=computer)(operatingSystem=Windows Server 2008*))))
All Windows Server Domain Controllers - Displays all computers that are Domain Controllers

Find all users whose email address contains …


Basic LDAP Syntax

• = (EQUAL TO)

This LDAP argument means a certain attribute must be equal to a certain value to be true. For example, if you want to find all objects that have the first name of John, you would use:

Copy Code


This would return all objects that have the first name of John. Parentheses are included to emphasize the beginning and end of the LDAP statement.

• & (logical AND)

You use this syntax when you have more than one condition, and you want all conditions in the series to be true. For example, if you want to find all of the people that have the first name of John and live in Dallas, you would use:

Copy Code


Notice that each argument is in its own set of parentheses. The entire LDAP statement must be encompassed in a main set of parentheses. The & operator means that each argument must be true for this filter to apply to your object in question.

• ! (logical NOT)

This operator is used to exclude objects that have a certain attribute. Suppose you need to find all objects except those that have the first name of John. You would use the following statement:

Copy Code


This statement would find all objects that do not have the first name of John. Notice that the ! operator goes directly in front of the argument and inside the argument's set of parentheses. Because there is only one argument in this statement, it is surrounded with parentheses for illustration.

• * (wildcard)

You use the wildcard operator to represent a value that could be equal to anything. One such situation might be if you wanted to find all objects that have a value for title. You would then use:

Copy Code


This would return all objects that have the title attribute populated with a value. Another example might be if you know an object's first name starts with Jo. Then, you could use the following to find those:

Copy Code


This would apply to all objects whose first name starts with Jo.

• The following are more advanced examples of LDAP syntax:

• You need a filter to find all objects that are in Dallas or Austin, and that have the first name of John. This would be:

Copy Code


• You have received 9,548 events in the Application log, and you need to find all of the objects that are causing this logging event. In this case, you need to find all of the disabled users (msExchUserAccountControl=2) that do not have a value for msExchMasterAccountSID. This would be:

Copy Code


• Note:

The ! operator in conjunction with the wildcard operator will look for objects where that attribute is not set to anything.

Check server last reboot time


net stats srv

or systeminfo

NK 2 File Location

The location of the NK2 file of Outlook

The location of the NK2 AutoCompelete file created by Outlook might be different from one computer to another, depending on the operating system and the version of Outlook.

Here's the rules for finding the location of your NK2 file:

  • For Outlook 2003/2007 with Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003:
    The location of the nk2 file is C:\Documents and Settings\[User Profile]\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook
    The name of the NK2 file is identical to the Outlook profile name, with .nk2 extension.
  • For Outlook 2003/2007 with Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows server 2008:
    The location of the nk2 file is C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook
    The name of the NK2 file is identical to the Outlook profile name, with .nk2 extension.
  • For Outlook 2010 with Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows server 2008:
    The nk2 file is located in C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\RoamCache
    The name of the NK2 file is in the following format: Stream_Autocomplete_X_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.dat The X is the file index (usually 0) and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is a random 16-byte key in hexadecimal format.
  • For Outlook 2010 with Windows XP:
    The nk2 file is located in C:\Documents and Settings\[User Profile]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\RoamCache
    The name of the NK2 file is in the following format: Stream_Autocomplete_X_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.dat The X is the file index (usually 0) and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is a random 16-byte key in hexadecimal format.

Commands to find out the CAS Server on Exchange

get-clientaccessserver | fl

CAS server provides POP/IMAP, OWA, autodiscover,availibility,OAB services.

run get-clientaccessserver | fl, look at autodiscoverinternalurl, this is the SPN for autodiscover service, Outlook connects on this URL for autodiscover and then retrieves the URL for other services.

run get-webservicesvirtualdirectory | fl, look at internalurl, this is the uri outlook will connect for availibility services.

run get-oabvirtualdirectory | fl, look at internalurl, this is the uri outlook will connect for OAB services.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Domain Local vs Global Groups

Global Group:

Members of Global Group can come only from local domain but members can access resources in any domain.

Domain Local Group:

Members of Local Group can come from any domain but members can access resources only in local domain.

Universal Group:

Members can come from any domain and members can access resource in any domain.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Deleting Registry Keys and Values

Deleting Registry Keys and Values

To delete a registry key with a .reg file, put a hyphen (-) in front of the RegistryPath in the .reg file. For example, to delete the Test subkey from the following registry key:
put a hyphen in front of the following registry key in the .reg file:
The following example has a .reg file that can perform this task.
To delete a registry value with a .reg file, put a hyphen (-) after the equals sign following the DataItemName in the .reg file. For example, to delete the TestValue registry value from the following registry key:
put a hyphen after the "TestValue"= in the .reg file. The following example has a .reg file that can perform this task.
To create the .reg file, use Regedit.exe to export the registry key that you want to delete, and then use Notepad to edit the .reg file and insert the hyphen.

1) Right Click on the Registry Folder and select export;
2) Replace the registry value with -

See example as per below.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fix Temporary Profile in Windows 7 Issue

Fix Temporary Profile in Windows 7 Issue
1)Log in with temp profile.

2)Start registry editor by typing regedit in find box in Windows 7.

3)Navigate the following location in Windows 7.

4)You can see similar keys under profile list with .bak difference, as shown below.

5)You correct profile key is marked as bak. Currently your Windows 7 computer logged in with fresh profile with same key. So, rename the new profile key ( which is not having.bak) and remove .bak from correct profile key. See below.

6)That’s it. Log off and log in with your user name and password. You must get your icons and profile settings back in Windows 7. This is very simple and easy method to fix temp profile in Windows 7 issue.

Get the email addresses for all users in a security group

The command below pipes the query for the Group and then gets the email addresses of all users in that group

dsquery group -name "VDI_View_Local_Mode_Pool_L3B1P1" | dsget group -members | dsget user -email > c:\Queries\Local_Mode.txt

dsquery group -name "VDI_View_MS_Users_Floating_Pool_C1B1P1" | dsget group -members | dsget user -email > c:\Queries\MS_Floating_Pool.txt

dsquery group -name "VDI_View_Floating_Pool_C1B1P1" | dsget group -members | dsget user -email > c:\Queries\Floating_Pool.txt

dsquery group -name "VDI_View_Dedicated_Pool_C2B1P1" | dsget group -members | dsget user -email > c:\Queries\Dedicated_Pool.txt